Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Orange juice will soon be 'luxury'

Orange and apple juice, an integral part of many people's breakfast, could become an unaffordable "luxury", according to a report, which highlights how the price of fruit juice has rocketed.

The price of orange juice has more than doubled on the commodity markets
The price of orange juice has more than doubled on the commodity markets Photo: Fran Stothard / SWNS.COM
A series of bad harvests from Florida, America to Shandong Province, China, combined with increased demand from Asian countries, has forced up the price of orange and apple juice on the world market. Supermarkets have started to react in Britain by pushing up the price of a carton of juice.
The Grocer, the industry trade magazine, reported prices are set to climb even higher making most juices a "luxury".
Experts predicted factory prices could rise by as much as 80 per cent for orange juice and 60 per cent for apple juice in 2011.
This would place further pressure on retailers to increase the price of orange and apple juices on shop shelves even though they have already gone up sharply. Over the past year, the price of a one-litre carton of Tropicana fresh orange juice across the five major supermarket chains has risen 22 per cent, from an average of £1.80 to an average of £2.19, while a one-litre carton of own-label apple juice from concentrate has gone up an average of 21 per cent, from 87p a year ago to £1.05 now.
Fruit juices are just the latest key household staple to be hit by the spike in global commodity prices, which has affected everything from a litre of unleaded petrol to a loaf of bread.

Mexican Troops Conduct Vehicle Search On U.S. Soil

Yet another military incursion by a foreign power as Homeland Security is more concerned about training Americans to spy on each other
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
While Homeland Security is busy telling Americans to spy on each other and insisting that domestic extremists are a national security threat, a truck of twelve uniformed Mexican soldiers armed to the teeth brazenly violates national sovereignty to conduct searches of vehicles on U.S. soil.

The incursion was captured on surveillance footage taken at the Anzalduas International Bridge. The clip shows at least a dozen armed soldiers in Mexican military uniforms cross into U.S. territory at high speed.
“The vehicle travels down the bridge toward the U.S. Customs checkpoint. Its driver makes a U-turn just before reaching the lines of cars there. It then starts back south toward Mexico. The men pull over and search a vehicle for a few minutes then resume their trek south,” reports KRGV.
Having spent around 10 minutes on U.S. soil conducting an impromptu search of a vehicle, including a search of the trunk of the car, the soldiers head back to Mexico.
The car that was searched then also heads south, confirming that it was traveling from the United States into Mexico, and raising the possibility that the Mexican soldiers had targeting American citizens for the search, not to mention the fact that they were agents of a foreign power exercising law enforcement duties inside the U.S., which would normally be sufficient to cause an international diplomatic spat in any other country.
However, when KRGV interviewed Chief Leo Longoria of the Mission Police Department, he defended the Mexican soldiers by saying they might have been unsure that they were crossing into the United States, before stating “we applaud their efforts”.
Longoria politely asked the soldiers to “coordinate those approaches, particularly coming into the United States,” failing completely to acknowledge that the action was an illegal violation of U.S. sovereignty.
Despite the video footage clearly documenting the fact that the Mexican troops crossed into U.S. territory, Mexican authorities lied to KRGV by insisting it didn’t happen.

This is by no means the first time that the Mexican military has violated the U.S. border to conduct operations on American soil.
On March 10 last year, residents of Falcon Heights, a south Texas border town, saw a Mexican helicopter hovering over a house shortly after 6pm. The chopper conducted surveillance for about 15 minutes before flying back to Mexico.
“They had armored individuals in the chopper, open ramp, very military looking, in style and preparation,” said Zapata County Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez Jr.
“It’s proof the Mexican military sees no boundaries,” reported local KRGV News’ Stephanie Stone, adding that the incident wasn’t the first of its kind and wouldn’t be the last.
“The markings I understand read ‘La Marina’ which is equivalent to the Mexican Navy,” said Gonzalez.
KRGV contacted nearly a dozen government agencies in an attempt to get answers. After contacting the the FAA about the chopper, KRGV were told to talk to the Customs and Border Protection, who said they knew about the incursion but were apparently unconcerned. State and local authorities refused to return phone calls about the incident after they were also contacted by KRGV.
“A U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman says that a Mexican military helicopter crossed the border into south Texas late Wednesday afternoon before returning to Mexico without landing,” an Associated Press report later confirmed.
Mexican military helicopters invaded U.S. airspace at least three times last year, prompting Texas Congressman Ted Poe to make an official complaint during a speech in front of the House.
“The Federal Government is MIA on our borders. Our government ought to spend less time protesting States like Arizona, trying to protect their citizens from border violence, and start getting some answers from Mexico about their military helicopters flying into the United States,” said Poe.
In 2007, the U.S. Border Patrol warned its agents to look out for Mexican military units crossing into U.S. territory that could pose a threat to their lives.


Fox News Caught In Shocking Dirty Tricks Stunt Against Ron Paul

News channel deceptively represented Paul’s 2011 CPAC straw poll victory with footage from 2010 event at which Mitt Romney supporters had loudly booed result
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
In a shocking act of mass public deception, Fox News attempted to skew Ron Paul’s 2011 CPAC straw poll win by representing it with footage from the previous year’s CPAC event, at which Mitt Romney supporters had loudly booed the result, another example of the continuing dirty tricks campaign being waged against Paul by the establishment media.

Congressman Paul replicated his 2010 victory over Mitt Romney by defeating the former Governor of Massachusetts for a second consecutive year at the annual CPAC conference.
However, before anchor Bill Hemmer introduced a segment concerning the story, Fox News played a clip of the 2010 announcement of the poll results, during which Mitt Romney supporters had loudly booed Ron Paul’s victory, passing off last year’s footage as representative of this year’s event.
Hemmer then proceeded to state, “In the end he was the winner, probably not the reaction he was hoping for,” describing the reaction as “mixed applause and boos,” before directly asking Ron Paul if he knew who was booing him.
“Who was in the audience booing you, did you get a name, did you get an ID on those people?” asked Hemmer.
In reality, there were hardly any boos after Ron Paul was announced as the 2011 CPAC winner, the result was met with a massively positive reaction, only Fox News deemed it necessary to hide that fact from their viewers. The video clip above shows the real footage from the 2011 event, proving that Fox News had attempted to deceive Americans into thinking that Paul’s victory was unpopular, by deliberately using the wrong footage.
A separate We Are Change Oklahoma clip of the 2011 straw poll victory confirms that Paul’s win was met overwhelmingly by a loud chorus of cheers and applause.

This is the second time in the space of a week that Fox News has deliberately used dirty tricks to try and ostracize Ron Paul by discrediting the legitimacy of his potential candidacy for president.
A Fox News poll released earlier this week which asked who would make the best president included many of the potential candidates that Ron Paul trounced in the CPAC straw poll, yet the Congressman’s name was not even included in the survey.
Exemplifying again how the establishment consistently tries to derail Paul’s momentum by ignoring his very existence, obscure names like John Thune and Jon Huntsman were included in the Fox poll and yet Paul was omitted entirely.
While Fox News continues to act as an accommodating platform for the pied pipers of the hijacked tea party movement, people like Tea Party Caucus leader Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin, real conservatives like Ron Paul and his son Senator Rand Paul are subject to dirty tricks and underhanded ploys.
Given the energetic power of his grass roots base, the establishment is scared to death of Ron Paul building any kind of momentum as the 2012 campaign race nears, which is why they have to resort to pulling stunts like this to hoax the American people into thinking that the message of liberty and freedom is unpopular, when in reality it is spreading like wildfire and would completely overrun the status quo if Ron Paul was allowed to communicate on a level playing field.

U.S. marshal, suspect killed in W.Va. shootout

Authorities say one of three deputy U.S. marshals shot while attempting to serve a warrant in north-central West Virginia has died. The suspect also was killed in the shootout.
U.S. Marshals Service spokesman Dave Oney in Washington, D.C., said the shooting occurred at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday as deputy U.S. marshals approach a residence in Elkins. He didn't have details but confirmed the deputy marshal died and that the suspect was fatally shot at the residence where two other deputy U.S. marshals also were wounded.
All three deputy marshals were taken to a hospital by helicopter. Oney said he didn't immediately know where the deputy marshal died. He didn't release the names of the deputies or the suspect.
U.S. Magistrate Judge John Kaull in Clarksburg told The Associated Press a search warrant had been issued for the residence of Charles Smith, who was wanted on a 2006 bench warrant on federal drug and related charges.
It wasn't immediately clear whether Smith was involved in the shooting.
Sgt. Michael Baylous, a State Police spokesman, said troopers were at the residence helping the marshals execute the warrant. Three U.S. marshals were shot Wednesday while trying to serve an arrest warrant at a home in Elkins, authorities said. The suspect was then killed by officers.
The condition of the marshals was not immediately known.

Lara Logan gang raped by "peaceful" Egyptian protesters

Niave, blond little girls should stay away from mobs of dirty, evil Muslims. She's lucky she made it out with her head still attached to her shoulders.

On Friday February 11, the day Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak stepped down, CBS correspondent Lara Logan was covering the jubilation in Tahrir Square for a 60 MINUTES story when she and her team and their security were surrounded by a dangerous element amidst the celebration. It was a mob of more than 200 people whipped into frenzy.
In the crush of the mob, she was separated from her crew. She was surrounded and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers. She reconnected with the CBS team, returned to her hotel and returned to the United States on the first flight the next morning. She is currently in the hospital recovering.

Monday, February 14, 2011

What's Up? Washington recalls all ambassadors, envoys

US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton,  convened an unprecedented mass meeting of US ambassadors and diplomatic offices abroad .

According to AP, the top envoys from nearly all of America's 260 embassies, consulates and other posts in more than 180 countries gathered at the State Departmenton Monday, 31 January 2011 ; an unprecedented move.
The gathering came at a time of massive demonstrations against the US stooge Hosni Mubarak in Egypt were reshaping dynamics in the Middle East.
Although the meeting had been called to apparently discuss US foreign policy priorities for 2011, Washington officials said Clinton met personally with ambassadors to hear about developments on the ground, besides exchange of views regarding concerns about the WikiLeaks revelations.

Phil Schneider's Warning: NWO, DUMB, 911 & FEMA Camps Video

Phil appears to be warning us about what was going to happen given the uncontrolled expanse of the Military Industrial Complex and government black ops programs. At the end of the cold war, the MIC needed a new enemy to support their massive clandestine budgets. So they invented one. We can see this played out 5 years and nine months after Phil's assassination with the terror storm on 911. Phil also suggests that some of the DUMB installations are used as detainment centers (FEMA CAMPS), which he cites as one of the reason for his resignation.

FYI: Phil Schneider was a geologist, structural engineer, and underground tunneling expert who participated in the construction of many deep underground cities and bases in North America and abroad for the government. In May of 1995, suffering from terminal cancer, he began giving talks in Las Vegas describing in detail the underground cities, the government's secret deal with negative aliens, high alien technology being employed by the government-including "corbamite" (element 140), mining on the moon, FEMA and martial law, the coming New World Order takeover, the Alien/ NWO genocide agenda to reduce the earth's population by 85% before 2029, and a host of other stunning revelations. Phil Schneider was an extraordinarily brave man who knew that he was going to be killed because of the information he was revealing to the American public.

Phil was assassinated on January 11, 1996.

For complete video visit

Remember this?: Mystery Missile Launch Seen off Calif. Coast

Military Mum on Nature of "Big Missile" Rising Out of Pacific - a Possible Show of U.S. Military Might

  • The U.S. government is still unsure what the object in the "mystery missile" footage actually is. David Martin reports.
    • This image captured by a KCBS News helicopter shows an unidentified projectile launched from an unknown point in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Los Angeles, Nov. 8, 2010. This image captured by a KCBS News helicopter shows an unidentified projectile launched from an unknown point in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Los Angeles, Nov. 8, 2010.  (KCBS)
    (CBS)  A mysterious missile launch off the southern California coast was caught by CBS affiliate KCBS's cameras Monday night, and officials are staying tight-lipped over the nature of the projectile.

    CBS station KFMB put in calls to the Navy and Air Force Monday night about the striking launch off the coast of Los Angeles, which was easily visible from the coast, but the military has said nothing about the launch.

    KFMB showed video of the apparent missile to former U.S. Ambassador to NATO Robert Ellsworth, who is also a former Deputy Secretary of Defense, to get his thoughts.

    Scroll down for KFMB video showing the launch.

    "It's spectacular… It takes people's breath away," said Ellsworth, calling the projectile, "a big missile".

    Magnificent images were captured by the KCBS news helicopter in L.A. around sunset Monday evening. The location of the missile was about 35 miles out to sea, west of L.A. and north of Catalina Island.

    A Navy spokesperson told KFMB it wasn't their missile. He said there was no Navy activity reported in the area Monday evening.

    On Friday night, Vandenberg Air Force Base, in California, launched a Delta II rocket, carrying an Italian satellite into orbit, but a sergeant at the base told KFMB there had been no launches since then.

    Ellsworth urged American to wait for definitive answers to come from the military.

    When asked, however, what he thought it might be, the former ambassador said it could possibly have been a missile test timed as a demonstration of American military might as President Obama tours Asia.

    "It could be a test-firing of an intercontinental ballistic missile from a submarine … to demonstrate, mainly to Asia, that we can do that," speculated Ellsworth.

    Ellsworth said such tests were carried out in the Atlantic to demonstrate America's power to the Soviets, when there was a Soviet Union, but he doesn't believe an ICBM has previously been tested by the U.S. over the Pacific.

    Officially, at least, the projectile remains a mystery missile.

    New Chinese Ballistic Missile Submarine Spotted

    By Hans M. Kristensen
    A new satellite image appears to have captured China’s new ballistic missile submarine. Coordinates: 38°49’4.40″N, 121°29’39.82″E.
    A commercial satellite image appears to have captured China’s new nuclear ballistic missile submarine. The new class, known as the Jin-class or Type 094, is expected to replace the unsuccessful Xia-class (Type 092) of a single boat built in the early 1980s.
    The new submarine was photographed by the commercial Quickbird satellite in late 2006 and the image is freely available on the Google Earth web site.

    A Comparison of SSBN Dimensions
    Two satellite images are now available (see figure below) that clearly show two missile submarines with different dimensions. One image from 2005 shows what is believed to be the Xia-class (Type 092) SSBN in drydock at the Jianggezhuang Submarine Base approximately 14 miles east of Qingdao. The submarine is approximately 390 feet (120 meters) long of which the missile compartment makes up roughly 80 feet (25 meters). Twelve missile launch tubes are clearly visible.
    The second image from late 2006 shows what appears to be the new Jin-class (Type 094) SSBN moored at the Xiaopingdao Submarine Base south of Dalian, approximately 193 miles north of Qingdao. The Jin-class appears to be approximately 35 feet (10 meters) longer than the Xia-class SSBN, primarily due to an extended mid-section of approximately 115 feet (35 meters) that houses the missile launch tubes and part of the reactor compartment.
    Xia- and Jin-Class SSBN Comparison
    These two commercial satellite images of the old Xia-class SSBN (top) and the new Jin-class SSBN show the different major compartments. The Jin-class appears to be approximately 35 feet (10 meters) longer with an extended missile compartment. Both images view the submarines from a “eye-altitude” of approximately 500 feet (152 meters).
    The extended missile compartment of the Jin-class seems seems intended to accommodate the Julang-2 sea-launched ballistic missile, which is larger than the Julang-1 deployed on the Xia-class. Part of the extension may also be related to the size of the reactor compartment. The U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence estimated in 2004 that the Jin-class, like the Xia-class, will have 12 missiles launch tubes (see figure below). Other non-governmental sources frequently claim the submarine will have 16 tubes. The satellite image is not of high enough resolution to show the hatches to the missile launch tubes.
    Estimated Jin-Class SSBN Layout
    The U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence estimated in 2004 (bottom) that the Jin-class SSBN would have 12 missiles.
    The U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence estimated in December 2006 that China might build five Jin-class SSBNs. The estimate has been widely cited by non-governmental institutes and some news media as a fact, but the Pentagon’s annual report on China’s military forces from May 2007 did not repeat the estimate.

    France mulls ditching $ as sole reserve currency

    PARIS — France, as current head of the Group of 20 countries, will help the transition to a global financial system based on "several international currencies," French Economy Minister Christine Lagarde said on Monday.
    Lagarde, speaking ahead of a G20 finance ministers meeting here on Friday and Saturday, said the world had to move on from the "non-monetary system" it now has to one "based on several international currencies."
    Accordingly, France wants to see less need for countries, especially the emerging economies, to accumulate huge foreign reserves, she said.
    At the same time, international capital flows should be better regulated and the role of the Special Drawing Rights issued by the International Monetary Fund should be reinforced by the inclusion of China's yuan in the system.
    China, whose booming economy now ranks second only to the United States in size after overtaking Japan, has accumulated massive forex reserves of more than $2.5 trillion on the back of its sustained trade surpluses and foreign fund inflows.
    Washington says the build-up reflects an unfair undervaluation of the yuan, a charge Beijing rejects.
    France has previously said it wanted to see the global financial system reduce its reliance on the dollar for a more broad-based arrangement.

    'A weapon of mass destruction was found in the U.S.': Shock confession of Customs officer

    By David Gardner
    A port official has admitted that a 'weapon of mass effect'  has been found by 'partner agencies' in the U.S., raising major questions over a possible government cover-up.
    The disturbing revelation came in an interview with San Diego's assistant port director screened by a television channel in the city.
    The Customs and Border Protection Department tried to dampen speculation over his remarks, but doubts remained over whether he had inadvertently revealed a dirty bomb plot to attack the U.S. mainland.
    Scroll down for a video of the interview
    Crucial moment: Assistant port director Al Hallor admits on camera 'weapons of mass effect' have been found at locations in the U.S.
    Crucial moment: Assistant port director Al Hallor admits on camera 'weapons of mass effect' have been found at locations in the U.S.
    Concern over a secret WMD bust came after U.S. cables made public by the Wikileaks whistleblower website revealed terror groups were plotting a 'nuclear 911.'
    In the interview screened by San Diego’s 10News, Al Hallor, assistant San Diego port director, said ‘weapons of mass effect’ had been found, although he did not specify exactly where or what they were.
    Reporter Mitch Blacher asked Mr Hallor: ‘Do you ever find things that are dangerous like a chemical agent or a weaponised device?’
    ‘At the airport, seaport, at our port of entry we have not this past fiscal year, but our partner agencies have found those things,’ the customs official replied.
    Realisation: The assistant port director closes his eyes as reporter Mitch Blacher again asks him if weapons have ever been found in San Diego - and a public affairs officer intervenes
    Realisation: The assistant port director closes his eyes as reporter Mitch Blacher again asks him if weapons have ever been found in San Diego - and a public affairs officer intervenes
    ‘So, specifically, you're looking for the dirty bomb? You're looking for the nuclear device?’ asked Mr Blacher.
    ‘Correct. Weapons of mass effect,’ said Mr Hallor.
    ‘You ever found one?’ asked Mr Blacher.
    ‘Not at this location,’ Mr Hallor said.
    ‘But they have found them?’ asked Mr Blacher.
    ‘Yes,’ said Mr Hallor.
    ‘You never found one in San Diego though?’ Mr Blacher asked.
    ‘I would say at the port of San Diego we have not,’ Mr Hallor said.
    ‘Have you found one in San Diego?’ Mr Blacher asked.
    The interview was then interrupted and cut short by a public relations official before Mr Hallor was able to answer the question.
    San Diego's Customs and Border Protection agency was unavailable for comment today.
    Earlier, Mr Hallor told Mr Blacher: ‘Potentially every city in America is a target. Given the waterways and the access to the Navy fleet here, I’d say, absolutely, San Diego is a target.
    Shocking interview: 10News reporter Mitch Blacher interviews Al Hallor at San Diego port - where he makes the startling revelation WMDs have been brought into the U.S.
    Shocking interview: 10News reporter Mitch Blacher interviews Al Hallor at San Diego port - where he makes the startling revelation WMDs have been brought into the U.S.
    ‘Our overall arching mission is to protect the American homeland against terrorists and from weapons of mass effect from entering the country. We are the guardians of America’s borders.’


    Reporter: Do you ever find things that are dangerous like a chemical agent or a weaponised device?
    Mr Hallor: At the airport, seaport, at our port of entry we have not this past fiscal year, but our partner agencies have found those things.
    Reporter: So, specifically, you're looking for the dirty bomb? You're looking for the nuclear device?
    Mr Hallor: Correct. Weapons of mass effect.
    Reporter: You ever found one?
    Mr Hallor: Not at this location.
    Reporter: But they have found them?
    Mr Hallor: Yes.
    Reporter: You never found one in San Diego though?
    Mr Hallor: I would say at the port of San Diego we have not.
    He was explaining how the port checks cargo ships arriving at the port. He suggested the customs ‘partner agencies’ may have found the 'weapons of mass effect.'
    Former Secret Service agent and airline security director Glen Winn told 10News Mr Hallor’s comments appeared to be credible.
    ‘This person was, I believe, knowledgeable, has a very important position with the port and the government and as such has that knowledge,’ he said.
    ‘You posed some very serious questions as to security gaps and discoveries that perhaps have taken place in this area.
    'I want to know how many and where did you find them so if I'm in that area, driving around and I see something that is out of place, I make a phone call,’ he added.
    But 10News said a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security  told them Mr Hallor was 'just nervous' in the interview and 'mis-spoke'.
    The spokesman denied officials said weapons of mass destruction had never been found in the U.S.- but would not answer questions about dirty bombs or chemical weapons.
    After the interview, the Customs and Border Protection department in San Diego issued a statement denying it had dealt with any nuclear-related smuggling attempts.
    ‘CBP has not specifically had any incidents with nuclear devices or nuclear materials at our ports of entry,’ it said.
    ‘CBP is an all-threats agency. The purpose of many security measures is to prevent threats from ever materializing by being prepared for them.
    'And, we must be prepared to stop threats in whatever form they do materialise at the border, whether it’s an individual or cargo arriving by land, air, or sea.
    'Regardless of what the contraband or threat is, we’re being smart, evaluating, and focusing in on anything or anyone that is potentially high-risk.’
    No WMDs have ever been smuggled into the US, or, a least, none have been disclosed.
    There were reports more than six years ago that al Qaeda was planning to try and sneak a bomb through a secret tunnel into Arizona from northern Mexico, although it was never substantiated. Just last year, a 2,200 ft cross-border drugs tunnel was discovered in San Diego, complete with lighting and ventilation.
    Terror risk? U.S. officials discovered a 2,200ft cross-border drugs tunnel in San Diego last year, raising fears al Qaeda could use a similar method
    Terror risk? U.S. officials discovered a 2,200ft cross-border drugs tunnel in San Diego last year, raising fears al Qaeda could use a similar method
    One reason for covering up a known attempt would be to prevent public panic. Just three days ago, acting Inspector General of the Department of Justice, Cynthia Schnedar, criticised U.S. efforts to prepare for a potential WMD attack as 'uncoordinated and fragmented'.
    While the FBI had made adequate precautions for dealing with a WMD fallout, other branches of the DOJ were not sufficiently ready.
    With the exception of the FBI, other departments had no training, did not participate in drills and had not selected an individual to take charge over WMD response operations, she said.
    'In addition, while the department had designated the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives as the lead agency to coordinate the use of federal law enforcement resources to maintain public safety and security if local and state resources are overwhelmed during a WMD incident, ATF had not adequately prepared for this role,' she added.
    A year ago, the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism said the U.S. government should be doing more to prevent the nuclear threat.
    Work to improve the nation's response to biological attacks and efforts to reform intelligence gathering and other aspects of homeland security all received an 'F' on the report.

    Read more:

    Egyptian protesters slam military rule

    Egyptian protesters are still out on the streets as the new military rulers insist they will stay in power for six months or until elections.

    The developments come two days after Mubarak handed over power to Egypt's Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, which is headed by Defense Minister Gen. Mohammed Tantawi.

    Meanwhile, protesters want all their demands met, including the transition of power from the military to a civilian, democratic government.

    Clashes have erupted between the army and the protesters as troops tried to disperse thousands of demonstrators out in Cairo's Liberation Square, a Press TV correspondent reported.

    The wave of demonstrations in and around the square is showing no signs of stopping. Hundreds of thousands of protesters continue to rally in Liberation Square.

    Meanwhile, the military has announced that it has dissolved the parliament and suspended the country's constitution. It also said a committee would be formed to draft a new constitution.

    Also, Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq has said all government ministeries are up and running. He added that restoring security to the country is a top priority.

    Shafiq became premier after Mubarak sacked the cabinet amid massive rallies against his regime. Protesters have dismissed the new designation and any new prospects of military rule.

    In separate developments, Egyptian bankers and the police have staged walkouts and protests to demand pay rises and better conditions.

    Bank employees have gone on strike to protest their working conditions.

    They are demanding the removal of corrupt managers and better pay. The bank employees also want an official probe into the former ruling National Democratic Party's alleged involvement in financial bribery.

    Thousands of Egyptian police have also held a demonstration outside the interior ministry in Cairo. The police force is demanding better pay and healthcare benefits.

    Wednesday, February 9, 2011

    Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot and Trade Show

    Mobile Prison Guard Towers Coming to a Walmart near You!

    Have you seen one of these? This is crazy.

    Patriot Act unconstitutional

    The USA PATRIOT Act broadly expands law enforcement's surveillance and investigative powers and represents one of the most significant threats to civil liberties, privacy and democratic traditions in U.S. history. The act in its current form gives sweeping
    United States Constitution
    Page one of the original copy of the Constitution

    Page one of the original copy of the Constitution
     search and surveillance to domestic law enforcement and foreign intelligence agencies and eliminates checks and balances which had been the difference between the free world and the suppressed.
    That difference previously had given courts the opportunity to ensure that those powers were not abused. PATRIOT and follow-up legislation now in development threaten the basic rights of millions of Americans and has turned America into a suppressed state.
    A new bill introduced in this 110th Congress is designed to extend the USA Patriot Act allowing what many experts say are illegal provisions which will continue to allow the FBI, DEA, ICE, ATF, U.S. Military and other federal agencies to spy on investigate and arrest innocent Americans.
    The law because of the act allows for violations of Americans constitutional rights that our fore Fathers did not intend. House Resolution 1467
    Constitutional lawyers all across America say the Patriot Act should be repealed not reinstated.
    President Bush signed into law the earlier renewal of the controversial Patriot Law on December 30, 2005 as the provisions were due to expire they were extended with Public Law 109-160 that pushed the date from December 31, 2005 until February 3, 2006. The date of expiration was again changed from February 3, 2006 until March 10, 2006 with Public Law 109-170. (Feb. 3, 2006
    The origenal Patriot Act was passed into law on October 24, 2001 by the Congress of the United States, just 45 days after the September 11 attacks, with few Congressman even reading it and virtually no debate.  There are significant flaws in the Patriot Act, flaws that threaten your fundamental freedoms by giving the government the power to access your medical records, tax records, information about the books you buy or borrow without probable cause, and even worse the power to break your door down at your home at any time of the day or night and conduct unconstitutional searches and seizures or if your lucky and are not home they can search your home or business in secret without telling you for weeks, months, or even indefinitely.

    Continue reading on Patriot Act unconstitutional - Los Angeles LA |

    Patriot Act fails on House floor — but it will be back

    By Daniel Tencer
    Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

    A plan that would have seen the House of Representatives extend controversial provisions of the PATRIOTAct with little debate failed Tuesday night, as a group of Republicans joined a majority of Democrats in voting no.
    The House voted 277 to 148 for the PATRIOT Act extension -- 23 votes short of the two-thirds majority needed to pass it under a procedure that allows bills that aren't controversial to pass quickly.
    But it appears the bill was controversial enough to convince some two dozen tea party-backed Republican freshmen to join a majority of Democrats in voting against it, The Hill reported.
    The measure is now expected to return to the House floor for a regular vote that would require a simple majority to pass. If House members vote then as they did Tuesday, the extension will pass easily.
    At issue were three core measures in the PATRIOT Act adopted in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks to fill what the government complained were gaps in its abilities to track and catch extremists.
    The provisions, which expire at month's end, allow authorities to use roving wiretaps to track an individual on several telephones; track a non-US national suspected of being "lone-wolf" terrorist not tied to an extremist group; and to seize personal or business records seen as critical to an investigation.
    The White House said in a statement that it "strongly supports extension of three critical authorities that our nation's intelligence and law enforcement agencies need to protect our national security."
    With the Republican-held House of Representatives set to vote on extending the powers to December 8, the White House said it "would strongly prefer" an extension to December 2013, but "does not object" to the House bill. House Republicans say the 10-month span would provide the time needed to debate and enact a longer extension, and the GOP's leadership has said it ultimately wants to see the PATRIOT Act made permanent.
    That some tea party Republicans joined Democrats in voting against the measure will likely be welcome news to Rep. Dennis Kucinich, who earlier this week issued a challenge to tea party members to stand up for the civil liberties they say they cherish by opposing the PATRIOT Act, which has been severely criticized by civil libertarians since its original passing after the 9/11 attacks.
    "I am hopeful that members of the Tea Party who came to Congress to defend the Constitution will join me in challenging the reauthorization," Kucinich said in a statement.

    City council says yes to removing fluoride from water

    Kevin Usselman Feb 09, 2011 08:23:35 AM
    By a vote of 10 to three, Calgary politicians decided to stop adding fluoride to the city's water supply.

    That decision will end a practice that began more than 20 years ago, after Calgarians voted to add fluoride in a plebiscite back in the late 1980's.

    The Medical Officer of Health with Alberta Health Services in Calgary tells 660News he's disappointed by the decision.

    Dr. Richard Musto says studies prove adding fluoride does improve dental health.

    Dr. Musto says he will work with the city on delivery fluoride supplements in other forms to children.

    Long-time anti-fluoride activist Elke Babiuk says the city finally got it right, calling it an ethical issue, not a medical one.

    Alberta Environment still has to approve council's decision, because the city's water license has to be changed.

    It could take up to a year to remove fluoride from the water supply.

    Alderman Druh Farrell says seeing how the city has voted on fluoride six times in the last several decades, she wouldn't be surprised if the issue is brought back again in the future.

    WHO: Genetic link to swine flu vaccine narcolepsy

    Genetic factors may have contributed to a spike in narcolepsy cases observed among children in Finland who received the swine flu vaccine Pandemrix, the World Health Organization said Tuesday.
    A WHO expert panel says of 22 narcolepsy patients tested, all had a gene commonly associated with narcolepsy, a disorder that causes people to suddenly fall asleep but is rarely fatal.
    About 30 percent of people in Finland have that particular gene, compared with 15 percent in the rest of Europe, said Patrick Zuber, WHO's top vaccine safety official.
    Last week, Finnish authorities said they had found a nine-fold increased risk of narcolepsy among 4- to 19-year-olds who were given the swine flu shots. In total, 60 children and adolescents contracted narcolepsy in Finland in 2009 and 2010. Fifty-two of them -- or almost 90 percent -- had received the Pandemrix vaccine.
    Lesser increases were also observed in Sweden and Iceland, WHO said.
    WHO's Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety said in a statement Tuesday that it agreed with Finnish authorities that there was a "strong association" between the vaccination, the genetic makeup of the patients, and the narcolepsy cases.
    But since a coincidental correlation cannot be ruled out, and as narcolepsy after swine flu vaccination has been reported in only a few countries so far, the panel recommended that Pandemrix continue to be administered to children.
    To date, at least 12 countries have informed Pandemrix's British manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline PLC of narcolepsy cases following vaccination.
    WHO declined to say which other countries apart from Sweden, Finland and Iceland, had reported cases, citing rules requiring the global body to be formally notified by its member state's governments before publicly naming affected nations.
    But it said the three countries identified had "notably higher" instances than the other nine.
    A spokesman for GlaxoSmithKline was unable immediately to provide the information.

    Monday, February 7, 2011

    Pole Shift Threatens To Cause Weather Chaos

    Will paying billions of dollars in carbon taxes to Al Gore and his cronies solve the problem?
    Pole Shift Threatens To Cause Weather Chaos 070211top2
    Paul Joseph Watson
    Monday, February 7, 2011
    According to some experts, the world’s weather is about to get even more chaotic as a result of natural climate change that we can do absolutely nothing to prevent – and even though global warming alarmists may exploit the consequences to advance their own political agenda, paying a carbon tax to Al Gore will not lessen the impact of a potentially catastrophic magnetic polar shift.
    In layman’s terms, the most apocalyptic outcome of a polar shift would come as a result of the the poles flipping, with the south pole becoming the north pole and vice versa. The good news is that on average this only happens every half a million years, but the bad news is that it hasn’t happened in roughly 780,000 years, with some experts warning that the planet is overdue. Pole flips have been known to happen only 50,00 years apart.
    If it happened, a complete pole shift would cause “superstorms in the future with winds as high as 300 to 400mph…which “would totally destroy anything they came into contact with on land,” writes Terrence Aym for
    “In between these flips, the magnetic field can become quite weak and chaotic, causing “turbulence” in the field, which can effectively cause weaker gaps in the magnetosphere,” writes Mike Adams.
    “These magnetic gaps or weaknesses can allow outside influences that normally would not penetrate the magnetosphere to reach deep into that magnetosphere, theoretically all the way down to where birds fly at very low altitude,” adds Adams, making a case that pole shifts are to blame for recent mass bird die-offs.
    However, it’s important to note that the process of reversal in the earth’s magnetic field can take around 5,000 years to be completed. This isn’t going to happen overnight, which is why frenetic claims that it is part of some pre-ordained 2012 Mayan apocalypse are in the same league as hysteria about Planet X.
    The more likely scenario is that the ever-changing tug of war between the sun and the earth’s electromagnetic fields will continue to cause significant, but not apocalyptic storms like those recently witnessed in Australia and the United States, and that alarmists will continue to exploit such events to push their completely discredited global warming dogma.
    The fact that the planet’s northern magnetic pole is drifting slowly but steadily towards Russia is causing airports to adjust the coordinates of their runways so they match up with sensitive airplane instruments.
    The consequences of geomagnetic movement in the poles is undoubtedly an important issue and will have a direct impact on our lives. However, given the level of coverage, and in some quarters outright hysteria, being afforded to a complete pole reversal event that is less probable than a cataclysmic asteroid strike, we’re more worried about the threats to the environment that are already unfolding on the planet, and not by some unknown outside threat that we cannot even do anything to prevent anyway.
    The impact of chemtrails, the poisoning of our water supply with sodium fluoride, heavy metals, drugs and other harmful chemicals, along with the threat posed by the industrial rollout of genetically modified crops should be of far greater and more immediate concern.
    However, since the planet is so sensitive to the behavior of the sun and how it affects the poles, don’t be surprised when global warming alarmists hastily exploit extreme weather events that are attributable to natural causes and blame them on human CO2 emissions while assuring that the only solution is to pay Al Gore and his globalist cronies billions of dollars in carbon taxes.

    Sunday, February 6, 2011

    Is the Holocaust a Hoax?

    Within five minutes, any intelligent, open-minded person can be convinced that the Holocaust gassings of World War II are a profitable hoax.
    Fred A. Leuchter is America's leading specialist on the design and fabrication of execution equipment, including homicidal gas chambers. In 1988, Leuchter scraped samples from the alleged gas chamber walls in Auschwitz, Birkenau and Lublin. Cyanide residue would be clearly evident on all these walls if gassings did occur. To his astonishment, Leuchter found no significant cyanide traces in any one of these rooms.
    In 1991, the Polish government repeated these tests to disprove Leuchter's findings, but they as well found no evidence of any gassings ever occurring.
    The structural integrity of these "gas chambers" is also extremely faulty. These rooms have ordinary doors and windows which are not hermetically sealed! There are large gaps between the floors and doors. If the Germans had attempted to gas anyone in these rooms, they would have died themselves, as the gas would have leaked and contaminated the entire area. Also, no equipment exists to exhaust the air-gas mixture from these buildings. Nothing was made to introduce or distribute the gas throughout the chambers. There are no provisions to prevent condensation of gas on the walls, floors or ceilings. No exhaust stacks have ever existed.
    Though six million Jews supposedly died in the gas chambers, not one body has ever been autopsied and found to have died of gas poisoning. We have been shown piles of bodies from World War II, but most of these persons died of typhus or starvation or Allied bombings and a great many of those were murdered Germans, not Jews. Roughly the equivalent of ten football fields should be packed full of gassed bodies to present as evidence, yet not one body has ever been discovered.
    The Germans documented everything in meticulous detail from shrubbery to arbors, but no pre-war or wartime plans or documents exist that detail or even mention any gas chambers for reasons of genocide. All documents ever presented were drawn up AFTER the war.
    Even if we threw away all the evidence and accounted for every so-called gas chamber, it would have taken 68 YEARS to accomplish gassing six million Jews!
    Even The Diary of Anne Frank is a hoax. Portions of the diary were written with a ball point pen. These pens were not in use at the time Anne Frank lived.
    It is not denied concentration camps existed. Tragically, many died of typhus or starvation, as often happens in such situations. There is, however, no evidence that any gassings occurred for the reasons of genocide.
    Israel continues to receive trillions of dollars worldwide as retribution for Holocaust gassings. Our country has donated more money to Israel than to any other country in the history of the world -- over $35 billion per year, everything included. If not for our extravagantly generous gifts to Israel, every family in America could afford a brand new Mercedes Benz. Surely the American people would be outraged if they realized their hard-earned money is being squandered in these difficult times.
    With all this money at stake for Israel, it is easy to comprehend why this Holocaust hoax is so secretly guarded. The Jewish name for Holocaust is "Shoah." In Zionist circles, it is known as "Shoah Business." If nothing else, this unbelievable coverup demonstrates the irrepressible Zionist influence and control of our country. Their only defense against the facts is to cry out "antisemitic," "Skinhead" or "Nazi," whereas the majority of those who question the Holocaust are ordinary citizens...though you would never know it from the media.
    In whatever way you can, please help shatter this profitable myth. It is time we stop sacrificing America's welfare for the sake of Israel and spend our hard-earned dollars on Americans.
    (For more information contact The Institute for Historical Review P.O. Box 2739 Newport Beach, CA 92659 USA).

    orchestra at Theresienstadt
    Jewish Orchestra performing at Theresienstadt 'Konzentrationslager' Camp. Photo taken by Kurt Gerron, Jewish wartime film producer.
    There are compelling reasons to believe that the so-called holocaust never existed. Page 223, in The Diary of Anne Frank, (Pan Horizons edition, Pan Books Ltd., London, 1989), indicates that the size of Auschwitz, the most notorious of all German work camps, WAS VERY SMALL, with only 11,000 people (many of whom may not even have been Jews) being evacuated by the Germans at the time of the Russian advance in 1945. Certainly, compared to Spielberg's film, Schindler's List (which Emilie Schindler, Oskar's widow, said was full of lies), and other Jewish propaganda, that millions upon millions of Jews were systematically exterminated, 11,000 people is a very small number. Simple arithmetic tells us that the Germans would have had to have had hundreds of camps, or else they would have had to exterminate 137 people PER HOUR, in order for six million Jews to have been exterminated at such small camps as Auschwitz, a feat that would have been humanly impossible considering that, according to Douglas Reed's Behind the Scene and The Controversy of Zion, a mere 850,000 soldiers and others were killed by the entire German and Japanese war machines combined during WW2 (see p.397-400 of Douglas Reed's book Controversy of Zion). People who would believe the Jewish propaganda that six million Jews were exterminated by Hitler must KEEP IN MIND THE SMALL SCALE CONSTRUCTION OF AUSCHWITZ AND THE VERY FEW OTHER GERMAN WORK CAMPS THAT EXISTED DURING WW2.
    On July 13, 1994, a documentary on the life of Charles A. Lindbergh broadcast on the Public Broadcast System (PBS - KENW-TV) said that when Lindbergh visited one of these few camps in Germany following WW2, he was told that 25,000 died in 1-1/2 years. Again, simple arithmetic tells us that 25,000 times a half dozen camps does not equal 6,000,000. In fact, it doesn't even equal 600,000. . . .
    It is an interesting fact that the number of so-called persecuted Jews KEEPS INCREASING. Hal Greenwald, program director for the Hillel Foundation at Duke University, a Jewish student group, has been promoting the idea that NINE MILLION JEWS WERE EXTERMINATED IN HITLER'S GAS CHAMBERS (New York Times, Nov. 9, 1991, AP). NOW IT'S 9 MILLION AND GROWING. ..JUST LIKE OUR DEBT/TAX MONEY SUPPLY...THE NUMBERS JUST KEEP COMING OUT OF THIN AIR. . .(The Bible Caused Economic and Financial Slavery in the New World Order by Lee Cheney).

    Arizona to secede (without OFFICIALLY doing so)

    Posted: February 2nd, 2011 by Militant Libertarian
    Members of the state Legislature, including Arizona’s de facto
    governor, Senate President Russell Pearce, have introduced a bill that
    essentially would have Arizona secede from the union without having to
    do so officially.
    It’s called SB1433, (See it here.)
    It creates a 12-member committee within the legislature that could
    “vote by simple majority to nullify in its entirety a specific federal
    law or regulation that is outside the scope of the powers delegated by
    the people to the federal government…”
    Committee members themselves would decide this, then pass along their recommendation to the full Legislature. If, in turn, a majority of state lawmakers go
    along with the committee then, according to the bill, “this state and its citizens shall not recognize or be obligated to live under the statute, mandate or executive order.”
    The nullification committee also would be permitted to review all existing federal laws to see if our legislative geniuses want to toss them out as well.
    In every legislative session in every state throughout the land there are
    proposals like this, usually made by a few fringe members who know their
    proposal has no chance but file it anyway to serve some personal or
    political agenda.
    In this instance, legislators here — who claim to be strict constitutionalists — seem fairly willing to ignore what is commonly called the “supremacy clause” of the U.S. Constitution (as well as the Fourteenth Amendment), and which more or less say that federal law supersedes state law.
    A state or a person can challenge such laws in court. But a state can’t on its own simply declare a federal law to be unconsitutional.
    Legislators who propose such things often are quietly patted on the heads and laughed off by their colleagues.
    In our case, however, the legislation is being proposed by, among others,
    Sen. Pearce, the most powerful person in state government.
    So, as wacky as the proposal is, that makes it much less of a laughing matter.

    Minority Report: Companies Push For Ubiquitous Iris Scanning

    Expiring technology patent insures that you will soon have your eyes scanned everywhere you go
    Minority Report: Companies Push For Ubiquitous Iris Scanning 190810iris
    Place eyes here for secure entry citizen
    Steve Watson
    Wednesday, Feb 2nd, 2011
    The impending expiration of a key technology patent is paving the way for a scramble amongst scores of biometrics research and development companies, all desperate to make their own brand of iris scanning technology commonplace, effectively creating a real life Minority Report society, where everyone is linked into an identification database.
    As detailed in a Bloomberg News report today, the patent for recording the unique characteristics of the Iris as a form of identification was granted to two eye doctors in 1987, who then approached a Cambridge University professor to develop a way of automating iris identification. That further patent was granted in 1994, but it expires this year, opening a door for a slew of technological nightmares to come pouring through.
    Leading marketing companies believe that within the next five years, iris recognition technology will create over $2 billion in revenue by becoming a routine part of everyday life.
    The technology is already being used for screening employees of Bank of America, travelers at London’s Heathrow Airport and New York City prisoners.
    The Department of Homeland Security has tested iris scanners at a Border Patrol station in McAllen, Texas, while the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is developing standards for the technology’s use.
    One company, Hoyos Corp., “wants to make the technology ubiquitous,” according to the Bloomberg report. Chief Development Officer Jeff Carter says the company foresees iris scanners on mobile phones and computers, and even on ATMs, to be used as a replacement for bank cards.
    Last year the company, then known as Global Rainmakers Inc. (GRI), based out of headquarters in New York, announced that it was using the technology to create what it claims will be “the most secure city in the world” in Leon, one of Mexico’s largest cities.
    So called “eye swipe” machines, which come in a variety of different shapes and sizes, are to be hooked up to a huge iris database created in conjunction with Leon law enforcement authorities.
    Leon is effectively a testing ground for the mass rollout of the technology.
    “In the future, whether it’s entering your home, opening your car, entering your workspace, getting a pharmacy prescription refilled, or having your medical records pulled up, everything will come off that unique key that is your iris,” Carter explained to tech website
    According to the article, “Criminals will automatically be enrolled, their irises scanned once convicted. Law-abiding citizens will have the option to opt-in.”
    Yet Carter seems confident that everyone, whether a criminal or not will soon be hooked into the database:
    “Every person, place, and thing on this planet will be connected [to the iris system] within the next 10 years,” he says.
    In Carter’s hideous control freak vision of the future, anyone withdrawing cash, paying for items in a store or simply catching a bus will have to stare directly into the beast system while “Police officers will monitor these scans and track the movements of watch-listed individuals.”
    Carter even alludes to Philip K. Dick’s Minority Report, noting that the system will operate to a degree even more controlling than in the cult classic dystopian story.
    Not even the “dead eyeballs” seen in Minority Report could trick the system, he says. “If you’ve been convicted of a crime, in essence, this will act as a digital scarlet letter. If you’re a known shoplifter, for example, you won’t be able to go into a store without being flagged. For others, boarding a plane will be impossible.”
    The technology is also evolving rapidly. Newer scanners are able to capture the Iris from a distance of ten feet. “Future devices might read irises from more than 30 feet, said Tim Meyerhoff, North American business development director for Iris ID Systems Inc.,”, another of the 20 or so companies set to push iris scanning into everyday life.
    The newest machines are also able to process hundreds of iris scans per minute, meaning they can be used effectively in crowded public places.
    One of the Hoyos mobile iris scanners is demonstrated in the video below:
    Minority Report: Companies Push For Ubiquitous Iris Scanning MTdjMGE2OGY2ZjZkNzYmb2Y9MA==

    Minority Report: Companies Push For Ubiquitous Iris Scanning 250111banner1
    There isn’t even any pretence of a benign agenda behind this – it is a bold in your face admission of a plan to force every human being into a big brother system by hooking it up to the essential amenities and infrastructure of the city. The stated aim is to monitor everyone, everywhere, all the time – the perfect technological matrix-like prison system.
    This system is the ultimate perversion of humanity, taking what makes us all unique and using it to catalogue every one of us as if we are sheep or cattle on a plantation. It represents the screaming death knell of freedom.
    Mr Carter and Hoyos Corp. don’t care about that though, they would like you to believe that your privacy and your basic freedoms were long ago completely extinguished , so resistance is futile:
    “The banks already know more about what we do in our daily life–they know what we eat, where we go, what we purchase–our deepest secrets,” he says. “We’re not talking about anything different here–just a system that’s good for all of us.”
    Hoyos CEO and founder, Hector Hoyos, echoes Carter’s pronouncement, noting “You really can’t control technology. Oppenheimer and Einstein said it. The cat’s out of the bag. You can try to put certain protocols in place and hope that people who get their hands on technology abide by your protocols. That’s all you can do.”
    Essentially, Hoyos is saying that if the bad guys get their hands on the technology, tough luck. Of course, it’s easier to live with that potential scenario if you’re sitting on a sizeable chunk of the $2 billion a year and rising revenue than if you’re one of the slaves in the database having their eyes scanned everywhere they go.
    Carter also has a warning for any sheep who think they can stray from the flock:
    “When you get masses of people opting-in, opting out does not help. Opting out actually puts more of a flag on you than just being part of the system. We believe everyone will opt-in.”
    Carter even speaks of tailoring the technology to “enable advertisers to track behavior and emotion” by scanning people’s eyes from when they look at a billboard to when they enter a store and purchase the product.
    The Minority Report was written as a stark warning of what may happen in the future should society be engulfed by invasive technology and begin to regard privacy and civil liberties as antiquated. Yet increasingly it, and other works like it, have become the handbooks for those who would gladly see the planet fully transformed into a giant fascist control grid if it means they can swim in the filthy meaningless lucre and revel in the pathetic soulless power trip it will generate for them.
    This technology is here now – it is not some paranoid geek’s frightening description of a distant future. it is time to wake up, take note of what our society is being transformed into and ensure our freedoms are not completely wiped out before it is too late.

    TSA Invades Roads & Highways With VIPR Checkpoints

    Roadside inspections to be expanded from rest stops, say TSA officials
    TSA Invades Roads & Highways With VIPR Checkpoints 010211top5
    Paul Joseph Watson
    Tuesday, February 1, 2011
    The TSA has announced its intention to expand the VIPR program to include roadside inspections of commercial vehicles, setting up a network of internal checkpoints and rolling out security procedures already active in airports, bus terminals and subway stations to roads and highways across the United States.
    Up until now, commercial trucks and other vehicles only were subject to warrantless searches and radiation scans at specially designated “state-owned inspection stations” traditionally set up at rest stops next to highways. These internal checkpoints, run by Homeland Security, the Department of Transportation, and the TSA, involve trucks being scanned with backscatter x-ray devices in the name of “safety” and “counter terrorism”.
    These inspection stations are now being expanded to normal roads and highways, unleashing an army of TSA agents who will be given a free hand to litter America with internal checkpoints in a chilling throwback to Soviet-style levels of control over the population.
    “Inspectors from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) are likely to be more involved in roadside inspections of commercial vehicles, according to TSA officials,” reports the industry website
    ”VIPR (Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response) teams can be extremely effective, serving as a visible presence that is random and unpredictable,” says William Arrington with TSA. “VIPR teams are an essential part of protecting highway transportation vehicles and other critical infrastructures.”
    The video below shows the truck inspections which will now be expanded to cover the country’s road and highway network.

    The report also notes that, “VIPR team members may or may not be in uniform,” stoking fears about the use of secret police manning checkpoints which would be more befitting of the Soviet Union or the former East Germany.
    As we have documented, airport security style checkpoints and inspection procedures are already in place at bus terminals, train stations, and are rapidly being expanded to the streets of America.
    Since the launch of the Department of Homeland Security’s “See Something, Say Something” program, the DHS has also released promotional material which depicts would-be TSA agents conducting searches at public events, including a Buccaneers football game.

    Homeland Security is also developing technology to be used at “security events” which purports to monitor “malintent” on behalf of an individual who passes through a checkpoint. The video below explains how “Future Attribute Screening Technology” (FAST) checkpoints will conduct “physiological” and “behavioral” tests in order to weed out suspected terrorists and criminals.
    The clip shows individuals who attend “security events” being led into trailers before they are interrogated as to whether they are terrorists while lie detector-style computer programs analyze their physiological responses. The subjects are asked about their whereabouts, and if they are attempting to smuggle bombs or recording devices into the “expo,” proving that the technology is intended to be used at public events and not just airports. Individuals who do not satisfy the first lie detector-style test are then asked “additional questions”.

    If people think they can avoid the TSA by staying away from airports, they’re going to be in for a rude awakening. TSA is clearly engaged in a total takeover of society and plans to have its agents searching, patting down, scanning and harassing Americans at all levels of society, not just at transport hubs but at public events, in the street and on highways and roads across the country.
    The implementation of ‘Checkpoint USA’, where citizens are routinely stopped, searched and radiated by federal VIPER teams is further evidence of how America is crumbling into a Soviet-style police state where the presumption of innocent until proven guilty is abolished and the 4th amendment eviscerated. The DHS program also represents a complete violation of the 10th Amendment in that it brazenly contravenes states’ rights.